I made a new friend/fan today.
Here is my first fan letter.
My comment in purple
My comment in purple
"Sponge Syndrome"
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Sep 19, 2018, 11:11 PM (9 hours ago)
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Hi, Brian.
Hi, Will, thanks for contacting me.
"Sponge Syndrome." #spongesyndrome
You doctors have invented a medical term for virtually anything
and everything that you don't understand.
I concur Will. We Doctors do like to do that.
Especially when trying to diagnose
sick patients that come to our office.
You once believed homosexuality to be "a disease, to be cured."
Actually, I personally never thought that
as I had friends at an early age explain it to me.
That guy in England who invented the coding machine
that cracked Hitler's Enigma,
shortened the war and saved millions of additional lives,
you gave him pills that were supposed to "cure his homosexuality,"
until they killed him.
I saw the movie, it was a shame. I am grateful to "that guy".
Lawyers aren't much better. Centuries ago,
a German author wrote that "people from the
Caucasus mountain range region in western Asia"
have the "whitest, most beautiful skin."
The country's Founding Fathers later used his novel's entry
in order to legally justify slavery, giving control of the country
to what the Supreme Court called "Caucasians." #caucasus
Thanks, Will, news I can use.
The accountants are no different.
According to film maker Michael Moore,
in the first decade of the twenty-first century,
accountants and executives at Citibank, J. P. Morgan and Bank of America
created something that they called a "plutonomy,"
intentionally using Wall Street,
the Fed and the government to help make the American Dream
possible for less than one percent of the country's population
born into the nation's wealthiest families.
Again thanks for sharing your wisdom. I had to look up plutonomy
Seems like history repeats itself in the 1% fact, unfortunately.
Like you, I am also looking for an honest man link
Will, have you found one yet, excluding yourself of course?
My point is, you doctors, lawyers and accountants
need to just completely abandon the notion that the degree
and the paycheck make you "intellectuals."
As a matter of fact, the grueling, unhealthy, expensive education
actually dumbs you down instead of making you smarter
or more knowledgeable,
Probably true Will.
and that's assuming that you don't just do what the priests
Thanks for the benefit of the doubt on that
do and assume the title of "Reverend" or "Doctor"
and then put on glasses,
and then put on glasses,
trying to look smart or like a
credible, researched, educated, experienced,
trustworthy intellectual
trustworthy intellectual
I was taught: Dress for Success.
Hard to get patient's trust otherwise.
You are right Will, with the word "TRYING"
Hard to get patient's trust otherwise.
You are right Will, with the word "TRYING"
#doctor #reverend #foureyes
"The Tubby Theory from Topeka." #tubbytheory #topeka
Brian, there is no "tubby theory," from Topeka,
that you didn't mystically invent.
that you didn't mystically invent.
This is actually what came from Topeka.
Wow a second plug for my books.
Will you are just too kind and generous.
Will you are just too kind and generous.
Thank you again.
No surprise by your history lesson on Topeka.
We do have many Germans here
The "Fitter Family" and "Better Baby"
competitions of the 1920s came from Topeka.
Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger
helped to create both them and the broader
American eugenics movement that founded #Hollywood.
Margaret Sanger sold the idea to Congress,
helping Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge to pass the
1924 Johnson-Reed Immigration Quota Act
that deported my great-grandfather Hyman Lachowsky
back to Germany,
where he eventually died in a concentration camp.
where he eventually died in a concentration camp.
Will, I am sincerely sad to hear of your loss.
Margaret Sanger sold the idea to Hitler while he was in prison,
in Bavaria, writing Mein Kampf with Rudolf Hess.
in Bavaria, writing Mein Kampf with Rudolf Hess.
The Johnson-Reed Act ultimately banned immigration
into this country by
Europe's Jews, Slavs, Russians and eastern Europeans.
Europe's Jews, Slavs, Russians and eastern Europeans.
Once again, seems as if history is repeating itself
here and many other countries.
That's what actually comes from Topeka, Brian.
Eugenics and the idea that
"the fat people are going to eat all of us."
"the fat people are going to eat all of us."
The term "fat people" is politically incorrect.
Please clean up that language Will.
This is what comes out of Topeka presently.
Will, I think this link might make your day for your next letter.
I am happy to help you out with this Will.
You're an idiot, Brian.
You're a quack who writes shit books, for money.
You're a quack who writes shit books, for money.
Show me your credentials and
stop calling yourself a "medical doctor." #md
stop calling yourself a "medical doctor." #md
"Will, and your point is?"
You are wrong about the making money thing,
can't argue with you about the rest.
Thank you.
Will Lachowsky
Thank you Will.
In the next letter please get into the details of
1- what is wrong with my theories and
2-the way I practiced medicine for 40 years.