Saturday, February 26, 2022

Aruba and Curacao last island on two week cruise on The Rotterdam

1- Aruba

We visited the non-tourist side of the island which included two caves in Arikok National Park.
It proved to be a challenge for me not to fall in the dark caves.  My balance has gotten so bad and with poor light on uneven floors it felt very precarious for me.  I went very slow and the rangers watched out for me. I did hit my head on the top of the cave. Ouch! 

No more tours to caves!

2-Willemstad, Curacao last island on two week cruise on The Rotterdam

 Curacao does not get much rain. 

The guide told us today there is a great sunset everyday. 
We visited the non-tourist side of the island which included two caves in the national park.
It proved to be a challenge for me not to fall in the dark caves.  My balance has gotten so bad and with poor light on uneven floors it felt very precarious for me.  I went very slow and the rangers watched out for me. I did hit my head on the top of the cave. Ouch! 
No more tours to caves!

The next day we went to Curacao where we toured the distillery that makes the Blue Liqueur made from the local oranges.
I had a Blue daiquiri for $8.

  • Stunning beaches. ... 
  • Some of the world's best scuba diving spots. ... 
  • A diverse culture and heritage. ... 
  • The historic town of Willemstad. ... 
  • Queen Emma Pontoon Bridge. ... 
  • The colorful Handelskade. ... 
  • Orange Liqueur. ... 
  • Curaçaoans speak multiple languages.

  • Sunday, February 20, 2022

    Finished the first week of our Caribbean cruise.

    Half Moon Cay and Turks Islands.

    I was happy to go to some new islands. 

    If you really want to get away to a private island with little commerce, New Cay Island is your place. 

    I am thinking of using the ship photo below for my next Alzheimer's book Year Five

    Friday, February 11, 2022

    Update on my Alzheimers

    I had some good glucose fasting numbers

    I was diagnosed with Alzheimers in Dec. 2017.

    It is now Feb 11, 2022. 

    I am in my fifth year since the diagnosis was made.

    I have kept to the plan of treatment quite well.

    In fact, in Florida since Jan. 18 I have increased my walking and weight lifting. I seem to get tired easily. 

    My weight stays the same 188 to 190 lbs. 

    I skip breakfast and have good ketone levels.  

    Fasting glucose is between 150 to 200.  

    I rarely have a good glucose level. link

    Diet, exercise, medications, supplements and sleep are doing well. I have vivid dreams which I enjoy.

    I also keep up with listening to music and doing Duo Lingo in Spanish every day.

    Anxiety is often a problem by noon. 

    My Manhattan anchor helps but I recently subsituted my second cup of coffee with a soothing tea.

    Exercise helps. 

    The worse thing that can happen to my on any given day is to get into an argument with my wife. 

    The stress from the distress of the anger link causes depression. 

    My wife and I have done much better at not engaging in anger.  

    I do feem my short term memory is worse and I was hoping adding on 10 mg of Aricept would help.

    Annual visit to Florida Neurologist link

    The RX cost $1400.

    I am waiting for the generic version now. 

    Hence I am always tintering with my plan. 

    I am afraid to stop all my supplements. 

    I continue with testosterone and Cialis link. 

    It's one of the few drugs that I can actually see the good effect it has on me. 

    Ozempic is another weekly injection that clearly curbs my appetite. 

    I also see positive lab results with statin, fish oil and nicotinic acid.  

    I think Invokana has saved my life by lowering my glucose. 

    I avoid falling off the cliff with the anticoagulant, Xarelto (I have Atrial Fibrillation) 

    I also keep my systolic blood pressure less that 120 with ramipril and a calcium blocker. 

    Sunday, February 6, 2022

    Annual Visit to my Florida Neurologist

     March 2021 visit link

    Visit this last week did not include a cognitive test as my visit with Dr Elliot did not. 

    I told him I thought my recent memory was getting worse. 

    He suggested we increase the dose of Aricept. 

    The most common side effects of donepezil HCl (Aricept) include:


    2-not wanting to eat (anorexia), and 


    I take Namzaric 28/10

    Dr. Elliot suggested I take another 10 mg a day of the brand name Aricept as it is better than the generic form.  I told him I was excited to try it. 

    Dr Peter Attia addresses the question weather low cholesterol causes cognitive impairtment


    Peter Attia MD link

    Does lowering LDL-C impact cognition in adults?

    "Does lowering circulating LDL-C with PCSK9i have similar detrimental cognitive effects? As I discussed in my original post, mounting evidence indicates that the answer is no. 

    In separate randomized controlled trials for alirocumab and evolocumab, both drugs were found to yield significantly greater reductions in LDL-C and total serum cholesterol than placebo treatment among high CV-risk adult subjects. 

    For both studies, neurocognitive function was examined using the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB), a series of modules used extensively in research to assess memory, attention, reasoning, and coordination. 

    Treatment vs. placebo groups exhibited no significant differences in neurocognition across any of the CANTAB modules.

     Further, investigators behind the evolocumab trial also conducted analyses in which the groups were stratified by lowest-attained LDL level over the intervention period. By doing so, they demonstrated the absence of any correlation between lowest-attained LDL-C level and CANTAB performance, indicating that even very low LDL-C levels do not impact cognition.

    So now we reach the question of the hour: does PCSK9 inhibition impair cognition in the developing brains of adolescents? Fortunately, this question also occurred to the authors of the recent HAUSER-RCT study, who then sought to investigate. Subjects aged 10-17 with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) were treated with either placebo or the PCSK9i evolocumab for 24 weeks, after which they were tested for cognitive function in four domains: psychomotor function, attention, executive function, and visual learning. As seen in adult trials, evolocumab treatment did not result in cognitive decline relative to either baseline measurements or to the placebo group in any of the domains tested.

    So now we reach the question of the hour: does PCSK9 inhibition impair cognition in the developing brains of adolescents? Fortunately, this question also occurred to the authors of the recent HAUSER-RCT study, who then sought to investigate. Subjects aged 10-17 with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) were treated with either placebo or the PCSK9i evolocumab for 24 weeks, after which they were tested for cognitive function in four domains: psychomotor function, attention, executive function, and visual learning. As seen in adult trials, evolocumab treatment did not result in cognitive decline relative to either baseline measurements or to the placebo group in any of the domains tested.

    So now we reach the question of the hour: does PCSK9 inhibition impair cognition in the developing brains of adolescents? Fortunately, this question also occurred to the authors of the recent HAUSER-RCT study, who then sought to investigate. Subjects aged 10-17 with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) were treated with either placebo or the PCSK9i evolocumab for 24 weeks, after which they were tested for cognitive function in four domains: psychomotor function, attention, executive function, and visual learning. As seen in adult trials, evolocumab treatment did not result in cognitive decline relative to either baseline measurements or to the placebo group in any of the domains tested.

    So now we reach the question of the hour: does PCSK9 inhibition impair cognition in the developing brains of adolescents? Fortunately, this question also occurred to the authors of the recent HAUSER-RCT study, who then sought to investigate. Subjects aged 10-17 with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) were treated with either placebo or the PCSK9i evolocumab for 24 weeks, after which they were tested for cognitive function in four domains: psychomotor function, attention, executive function, and visual learning. As seen in adult trials, evolocumab treatment did not result in cognitive decline relative to either baseline measurements or to the placebo group in any of the domains tested.

    The findings of these studies collectively suggest that LDL-C can be reduced even to very low levels without impacting the brain, but how is this possible when we know that cholesterol is so critical for neural development and function?

    The reason is simple: why import what you can make yourself? Virtually every nucleated cell in the body is capable of synthesizing cholesterol, and the brain is no exception. In the CNS, cholesterol production exceeds demand, and net cholesterol flux is thus outward from the CNS across the blood-brain barrier. Indeed, measurements in experimental animals have found no evidence of plasma LDL particle uptake by the brain, indicating that systemic cholesterol has little, if any, effect on cholesterol supply in the CNS. In other words, although PCSK9i reduce circulating (serum) cholesterol, the brain remains unaffected because it doesn’t rely on serum cholesterol in the first place.

     Children under age 5, for example, have very high demand for cholesterol in the brain yet have incredibly low serum cholesterol 

    (in the range of 20-50 mg/dL). 

    Tuesday, February 1, 2022

    In my fifth year of AZ what I can and can't I do anymore

     1- My wife does all the bills

    2- She plans all the trips

    3- I chose to give up my Medical license during Year one. 

    4- I have a Subaru Outback to help me drive but I rarely drive

    5- I still make two meals a day for myself

    6- I can load the dishwasher and put the dishes away

    7- I am very good at shopping for groceries at two different stores. 

    8- In my neighborhoods I can take a walk without getting lost. 

    9- I was great in remembering landmarks, but it is slipping away

    10- My biggest functional achievement is taking and ordering my pills

    11- I take 36 pills, a mouth spray, two IM shots a weeks Meds link

    12- I stopped riding my bike due to poor balance. 

    13- I can take out the garbage

    14- Yesterday I had a major bowel incontinence at SAMS.  It was a terrible mess.  I threw out my underpants and spent 15 mins cleaning myself up. 

    15- I tweeter and blog every morning.  My engagement stimulates me. 

    16- Sex is still possible with Cialis and Testosterone. 

    17- I weigh myself each morning with glucose and keto level and record it.  

    18- I restarted a more comprehensive weight lifting program with a protein supplement. 

    19- I Zoom with 8 other men in my church group each week. 

    20- My wife and I have planned 6 trips into 2023.

    21- I usually begin to feel anxiety by 1 PM.  I drink a Manhattan to help it.  I am also trying more exercise. 

    22- I am still very good at conversation.  People are surprised at the arkane facts I remember.

    23- I am rereading Bernard Corwell's Richard Sharpe collection that I read 10 years ago.  I find it extremely enjoyable. 

    24- My wife and I watch many DVD movies and TV series.  

    We help each other keep track of the plot and characters. 

    update trials of Alzheimers

     The best part of the day is when I have a bowel movement.   Recently started Miralax. I found MOM too harsh. Pacing helps but I get exhaust...