Game of Thrones Day 13 of bingeing 7 seasons
Season Seven
Randal Tarly (father of Samwell) was the only Lord to beat Robert Baratheon in battle. Cercei is trying to recruit Lord Tarly.
Samwell Tarly not only has killed a White Walker and a Thenn in battle, he has cured a man of Greyscale as an apprentice Maester.
The he offered his patient a bottle of rum to help his with the pain as Sam cut the scales off.
Earlier the Hound refused rum on the road. It said rum was too sweet.
Dany has 3 allies already. All women.
Yara Greyjoy- Iron Islands
Ellaria Sand-Martell, Dorne
Oleanna Tyrell- House Tyrell
Castle Dragonstone sits on a mountain of dragonstone. Who knew? No one apparently.
Jon Stone learned from Samwell while studying at the Citadel.
He tells Dany who doesn't believe in White Walkers or the Army of the Dead.
A good turn of events for Queen Cercei.
Her navy beat the other Navy.
Both Iron Born Navies.
Uncle of Theon was the victor.
Season 7 Disc TWO
Gendry (a Blacksmith and one of the last surviving bastards of King Robert Baratheon) asks
"How can we be on the same side?"
Answer from Jon Snow
"We're all breathing"
"That man was killed seven times and he's not whinging.
So what you whinging about."
"I'm not whinging"
"Your lips are moving and you're complaining about something. That's whinging.
This one's been killed six times. You don't hear him bitching about it."
When a Dragon dies North of the Wall does he become part of the Dead Army?
Fantastic scene at the end of Disc 2
Summit at Dragon Pit
One of the Army of the Dead is brought to Cercei to show her the threat from North of the War.
Lord Varys said this man was the most dangerous man in the empire. He was executed by Arya.
Spoiler Alert
Jon Snow is not the bastard son of John Stark.
Jon Snow is the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark (sister to John Stark)
Robert Baretheron started the rebellion because he said Rhaegar raped Lyanna.
Turns out that rebellion was based on a lie as Lyanna had a private marriage ceremony with Rhaegar.
Jon Snow's real name at birth was Aegon Targaryen. In the tower where he was born, Lyanna asked her brother John Stark to protect her son. Lyanna died in childbirth and John Stark brought the baby home as his bastard named Jon Snow.
End of Season 7
The Wall is Down!