Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas



December 25, 2020

I am watching The Christmas Chronicles number two. 

This might be when of those times it’s good to have Alzheimer’s.  

I love Kirt Russell and Goldie Hawn.

I thought I would watch this movie and turn it off quickly for being so silly.

I have to say I love it. 

It makes me feel so good.

Maybe an advantage of AZ. No shame and no pride.

Saturday, December 5, 2020



When I first thought of the title Alzheimers is Inexorable

I thought it would be appropriate for YEAR FOUR as I expected to really decline this year in 2021. 

Now I am not so certain.

I still believe Alzheimer’s is inexorable as there is no cure and none on the horizon. 

I have done so well in the last 3 years, beyond my expectation.  

In my first 3 books, I told people to avoid the false hope of nostrums. 

I wrote critiques on The End of Alzheimer’s. 

However with Dr. Dale Bredensen’s second book titled The End of Alzheimer’s: 

The Program

I read about the continued success of Julie Gilbert who was homozygous for Alzheimer’s with E4/E4, family history,

and what seemed to be early-onset dementia at age 46. 

Now 7 years later she helped write the Program book.

With the advent of Covid19, I have the time to do a year-long program

of ReCODE designed by Dr. Dale Bredensen. 

To support this optimistic outlook was the discovery of the work by Dr. Isaacson 

at Cornell. 

He has a similar philosophy to Dr. Bredesen 

and also has had some success treating early-onset Alzheimers 

with a patient name Lauren Miller Rogen.

Now that there are papers published reporting these successes in 2016 and 2019 

I am hopeful my prognosis to stay in Mild Cognitive Impairment is much better for a much longer time than 2 years that is achieved with the medication Namzaric alone.

Main take aways from Peter Atia's podcast on Alzheimers.

 I subscribed to Dr. Attia's podcasts and finally got around the reading his notes on it. 

Since I didn't watch the whole hour-plus interview I wonder if I missed something?

Most importantly, did Lauren Miller Rogen start Aricept or Namzempic as I did in Dec. 2017?

For all, I know that is the most important thing I did for myself as I am entering into the fourth year of my AZ diagnosis. 

First word I had to look up was "Transentorhinal".

Not sure what this information does for me?

I am doing very well in writing my books. 

My third year of testing by my KUMC memory neurologist was so good, he asked me if I thought I could go back to practicing medicine.  I responded, not even close. 

He said medicine does require a high executive function. 

I have had emotional changes. 

Much quicker to Anger link

My math ability is terrible for a long time now and not getting better. 

I had an extensive MRI from my KUMC trial and mistakenly was sent the result.  It was the most precise reading of the volume of my Hippocampus which was read as normal.

Alcohol is also known to decrease hippocampus size. I am amazed by Dr. Dale Bredesen's claims of getting the hippocampus size back to normal with his ReCODE program.

Another term I learned from the podcast.

I scrolled ahead to 1hour 21 minutes to hear about the details of Lauren Miller Rogen's protocol of 21 different items.  Issacson  and Attia get into the details which I will listen to a few times. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Second part of Cognoscopy report

 Atma holistic clinic sent me the second part of my Cognoscopy which is about nutrients. 

The first part of the report here link

I understood these results and there were no real surprises.

The second part has results I don't understand.

The Green zone shows good levels.

The Red zone shows low levels.

My low vitamin B levels are perplexing to me as I take a Centrum Silver every day.  Subsequently, I added a complex B vitamin tablet. 

Centrum Silver label

I already was taking an extra Biotin 10,000 mcg tablet that includes 9 mg of zinc and 60 mg of vitamin C.  

I take Magnesium L-Threonate 4 tabs (4,000 mg) a day which is 288 mg of elemental Magnesium.  ReCODE calls for me to take 800 elemental Mg.

The End of Alzheimer's claims the RBC Magnesium level is the most accurate.  I found other sources that say it is not accurate.  My lab above suggests I need more Magnesium. 

There is 11 mg Zinc in Centrum.

plus 9 mg Zinc in my Biotin tablet. 

I added 22 mg Zinc Picolinate as advised in The End of Alzheimer's.

The total dose is 42 mg.

After the blood test, I started taking B Complex with Folic Acid and Vitamin C.  Nutrition label below:

Does anyone think all these vitamins are necessary?

update trials of Alzheimers

 The best part of the day is when I have a bowel movement.   Recently started Miralax. I found MOM too harsh. Pacing helps but I get exhaust...