Friday, April 3, 2020

I hit a low point last week with Alzheimers

Please read 5 types of medications to treat Alzheimer’s link
Excerpts below.  Families often ask for medications to treat the problems listed in the screen shot below. 

On April 2, 2020 I hit a low point with
1- Anxiety
 (which I relieved with alcohol before I stopped drinking on March 14th after my fall and concussion.)
2- Very tired
I have been sleeping well.
I decided I pushed myself with walking an hour on the beach.
  I now walking one half hour a day. 
3- Stressed 
The combination of 
COVID-19 crisis and overload on following the news
Intermittent Fasting each day with severe hunger doing the last two hours of the 14-16 hour fast. 

The 3 mentioned above: anxiety, tiredness, stress and the pain of headache and dizziness from concussion lead to a melt down with me getting angry at my wife.  

Pain (my Concussion headache) clearly increased my stress.  
I started Tylenol 1,000 mg a day yesterday.

I increased my citalopram from 20 mg/d to 40mg/ after the meltdown on April 2.  It may take weeks to notice a difference. 

The reason citalopram more than 30 mg a day is discouraged is the cardiac arrhythmia it can cause and kill people. I am not concerned as I have a good heart and have tolerated citalopram 40 mg before.

These are my medications

1 comment:

  1. I have noticed that Brian has been more anxious lately, however he works hard to study and research on how to control this anxiety. Very proud of the hard work he is doing to help himself and others with Alzheimers Disease.


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