Friday, October 29, 2021

Losing friends due to my Alzheimers

 Chapter Three

October 29, 2021

Losing friends due to my Alzheimer’s

I have written a couple of blogs about this subject. Anger link.

This time it is different as to the reason. 

There are 2 couples and one friend that I no longer care if we associate with them anymore.  

The reason is not because of my anger but because they don’t understand my disease.  I am in the fifth year since my diagnosis and most people are surprised when I tell them of my diagnosis.  I can still talk and write well, I just have terrible short term memory.  However it’s the emotional part I don’t think my friends understand.  

I get frustrated easily in discussions especially in subjects (C0vid, I am board certified in Infectious Disease) I know alot about but one couple continues to go on about their opinion. 

We travel with the second couple a good deal.  They told my wife they were concerned about her because of my drinking and my Alzheimers.  They thought my AZ was getting worse when I had trouble understanding the menu on the chalk board that was in French.  The wife had yelled at me earlier asking if I was a five year old.  Thus when I went up to the chalkboard, I said since people think I am a five year old I want to be sure about this menu. 

Thus since they didn’t come to both of us I began to think they are not really true friends.

1 comment:

  1. Stream of consciousness.
    From a Rod Stewart song "I don't want to talk about it, the way you broke my heart." In the case of friendship, it is ego, not heart.
    Scripture states, that if you have a problem go to your brother and calmly explain the issue. Scripture is humbling.
    "It's not you, it's me." That means I don't want to talk about it,
    Insults, like lies and half-truths are hard to accept. Generally, human pride is greater than most relationships.


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