My comments in purple

But the storm is brewing at our condo as we now use masks to ride the elevator to prevent prior sneeze droplet contamination.

The manager of our condo wrote this letter four hours ago.
Notification from: Regency Island Dunes
The President of the United States has declared a National Emergency to combat the coronavirus outbreak and the World Health Organization has declared the coronavirus (COVID-19) a pandemic. Considering these circumstances, our focus has been to keep our residents, employees, and guests safe. We continue to monitor the situation and will make changes as necessary. We recognize the uncertainty and impact this situation has on our residents, but we have been proactively implementing safety measures to protect our building.
At the recommendation of the CDC, and in an abundance of caution to protect the health and safety of the residents of our community, we are requesting that anyone who has a confirmed case of COVID-19, communicate your case via phone to Valerie Forese, General Manager, 772-229-0311. This is only a request and the information will only be used for the sole purpose of ensuring the safety and sanitation of our community during this pandemic. In these unprecedented times, it’s more important than ever that we come together as a community. Only by working together can we stop the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). We are asking all residents to do their part to keep everyone healthy and safe, both as individuals and as a community. We ask that residents refrain from inviting family and guests on property.
Effective immediately, all guests and contractors visiting the condominium will be screened.
They will be required to
1- complete a short questionnaire to ensure they have not been in contact with anyone with COVID-19, 2-they have not traveled to or from any of the high risk countries or states, as deemed by Governor DeSantis and
3-they are not exhibiting any of the symptoms of COVID-19.
4- Finally, we want to remind all homeowners to continue to be vigilant in your adherence to the CDC’s guidelines for personal hygiene and social distancing:
To minimize the potential spread of the highly contagious coronavirus (COVID – 19), we cannot emphasize enough the importance of following the CDC Guidelines for hygiene and social distancing. These include:
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
- Stay home when you are sick
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw your tissue in the trash
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds – use sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol) when soap is not available
For additional information about how each of us can contribute to prevention efforts, please go to
To minimize the potential spread of the highly contagious coronavirus (COVID – 19), we cannot emphasize enough the importance of following the CDC Guidelines for hygiene and social distancing. These include:
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
- Stay home when you are sick
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw your tissue in the trash
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds – use sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol) when soap is not available
For additional information about how each of us can contribute to prevention efforts, please go to
I continue to monitor information from the CDC, WHO and state and local governments regarding recommended precautions and I will continue to keep you updated.
Stay safe and healthy.
I responded to our Condo manager with this letter:
Very pleased with your aggressive stance.
Ginger and I feel well but are worried about the droplet spread from sneezes and coughs in public areas i.e. hallways and elevators
Even if no one is apparently in the public location at the present moment. The droplets remain for 15 minutes?
Florida will soon be the next hot spot.
Let's not make Regency one of them.
I do not like people sitting around pool tables less than six feet apart.
A person passing in the pool or side walkway where it is difficult to walk six feet away, there is a danger of a sudden an inadvertent sneeze directly at other people.
Please share this letter if you wish. I am Board Certified physician in Infectious Disease.
Brian Scott Edwards MD
The manager wrote this letter below 2 hours ago.
Dear Regency residents,
Governor DeSantis has recently added the State of Louisiana to the high-risk states list. Travelers from these states are mandated to self-quarantine for 14 days upon arrival to Florida per Executive Order EXECUTIVE ORDER NUMBER 20-86
(Emergency Management - COVID-19 –Additional Requirements of Certain Individuals Traveling to Florida)
(Emergency Management - COVID-19 –Additional Requirements of Certain Individuals Traveling to Florida)
The current list of states is as follows:
- New York
- New Jersey
- Connecticut
- Louisiana
Residents should contact their individual health care providers if you have any questions or concerns with your own health. If you can not contact your health care provider, please contact the St Lucie County Health Dept at 1 (866) 779-6121 COVID-19 Call Center available 24/7 |or email